Monday, September 6, 2010


When you look around, what do you see? Does our world seem to be becoming more diverse or our we growing the same? Ipods, Vans, skinny jeans, cell phones, and other items seem to clump us all together. Take these things away and some would be destroyed. Seeing someone with all of there things has a very strong suggestion compared to those who don"t. Society encourages many to have a positive attitude towards material things, which is ok to an extent. Good because alot of new designs and devices appear to be assisting us in some way. We soon discover that these things are not helping us but stealing from us the things that should really matter. Our dependence on material things has grown over the years and those who have not conformed to society, are lucky. They will have a higher measure of self satisfaction and in the end will have all they need within themselves.

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