Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"The Devil In the White City"

"In Chicago at the end of the nineteenth century" many people chose to abide in this city amongst the, "gore and smoke". In the book titled, "The Devil In the White City", author Erik Larson tells a story about, "Murder, magic, and madness...". From the beginning when Larson writes a note titled, "Evils Imminent", he demonstrates how two total opposites reside in one city.

In the story, Chicago has become the host of a fair dedicated to Columbus' discovery of America and is soon known as the White City. Larson continues to illustrate Chicago as the place to be when the fair occurs, yet he doesnt forget to tell us about the other parts and people in this city. Two of the main characters in the book are Burnham and Holmes. These characters prove the diversity and uniqeness of people in one city. In the small note Larson leaves before the beginning of the actual story, he makes it clear that, "Beneath the gore and smoke and loam, this book is about the evanescence of life, and why some men choolse to fill their brief allotment of time engaging the impossible, others in the manufacture of sorrow. In the end it is a story of the inelucable conflic between good and evil, daylight and darkness, the White City and the Black." As we read on, and keep this passage in mind, we realize who manufactures what. Burnham is an architect and only wants to assist in putting on an amazing fair, but on the other hand Holmes is definately a manufacturer of sorrow. Although you may not realize at first, subtle hints provide evidence that Holmes does not often have good intentions.

As you read it becomes very obvious how these to men are extrememly different in many aspects. Burnham seems to be the determined, somewhat quiet architect who wants nothing but success and happiness. Burnham with the help of his partner Root decide to take up the challenge of putting together the World Fair in the city of Chicago. With them as head architects, and the asssitance, guidance,and advice of several more famous and accomplished architects they take on this project with the goal to make this fair larger and better than the one that happened in Paris. They work very hard as they develop this unforgetable experience for people who will travel across the country or even the globe, to attend this event in the "White City".

On the other hand there is Holmes whos real name is Herman Webster Mudgett. The fact his real name isnt used in the book as his first reference would cause anyone to raise suspicion about this character. His life story, moving from place to place, the secrets he keeps from his wife, and the suspicious jobs he takes supply us with an idea of Holmes position in the book. I think its fair to assume that he is not the character, "engaging the impossible". These two men are definately opposites and their role in the book continues to become more defined.

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